We will widen the ownership of homes and businesses, retirement savings and health insurance-preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society. 我们将扩大人们对房屋和企业、退休储蓄和医疗保险的所有权,让我们的人民作好准备,应对自由社会中的生活挑战。
Of course money can get him the best health care possible but no money can buy insurance for a life. 当然钱能让他得到最好的治疗,但钱也不能买到生命的保险。
However, it is difficult to disentangle whether lower insurance consumption at lower income levels reflects reduced demand for life insurance products or constraints on the supply side associated with weak regulatory and supervisory environments and high costs of insurance provision. 然而,这很难分清较低收入水平的低保消费反映的是寿险产品需求的降低,还是受到不利的监管监控环境和较高保险成本的限制。
However, inadequate life insurance products blaz new trails have been the bottle neck which restrains the efficient demand for life insurance. 我国的保险业已经进入深度开放后过渡时期,而寿险产品创新不足已成为制约寿险有效需求的瓶颈。
The Influence of Interest Rate Fluctuation on the Transaction of China s Life Insurance Companies; Determination and calculation of the rate of waiver of premium for disability in life insurance actuarial calculation 利率变动对我国寿险公司经营的影响寿险精算中伤残免缴率的厘定及计算
An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force. 人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。
Below are two versions of a reply of an insurance company to a bank's request for details of a life assurance. The policy is to be assigned to the bank. 下面是两封由保险公司应银行要求回复的生命保险信函范本。政策是由银行指派。
It is found out in consumer survey that demands for health insurance ranks much higher than demands for other types of life insurance for Chinese consumers. However, high claims rate, high operational cost, low expense allowance and management difficulty make it unattractive to many insurers. 据调查显示,我国居民对健康保险的需求高居人身保险业务之首,但健康保险赔付率高,经营成本高,可提费用低,管理难度大,保险公司经营积极性普遍不高。
Reform of the Social Security System and Development of Life Insurance ── Also on the New Growing Points for Life Insurance 社会保障制度改革与寿险业发展&兼论寿险业发展的新增长点
Besides this, Insurance Supervision Sector should also continue to implement solvency regulation on life insurance companies and make related legislation more perfect to provide an external satisfactory environment and healthy guidance for life insurance companies. 保监部门也应继续对保险公司实施偿付能力监管,并完善相关政策法规,为保险公司提供良好的外在发展环境和健康引导。
All these are valuable in drawing attention from life insurance companies to life insurance market for the elderly in urban China, and providing useful information for operations of life insurance companies. 这些中国城市老年寿险市场的研究对于人寿保险公司来说是非常宝贵的,希望能给他们提供有用的信息。
The first part covers from Chapter Two to Chapter Five, mainly concerning the optimum investment, consumption and periodical insurance payable at death for life model; 第四、五两章讨论存在不可分散风险的随机收入时最优消费、投资、定期人寿死亡保险模型。
Finally, put forward the active realistic meanings of the perfection and development of the life insurance agent system in our country for the well being of our life insurance market and compatibility with the international life insurance market. 最后提出完善与发展我国寿险代理人制度对促进我国的寿险市场的良好运行,与国际寿险市场接轨的积极现实意义。
Now it is the right time for life insurance industry to enter the complementary pension market, and it is a opportunity for china life insurance industry. 在中国,目前正是寿险业进入企业年金市场的大好时机,是寿险业发展的一次机遇。
As related to the immediate interests of migrant workers groups of social pension insurance, for the migrant workers aged out the labour market and old life has important practical significance. 作为与农民工群体切身利益相关的养老保险制度,对农民工年老退出劳动力市场及老年生活有着重要的现实意义。
With the development of social and economy, the governments in the world pay more and more attention to maternity insurance system. ( 3) It is for avoid to the women worker and her family life level decrease suddenly because of assume the duty of grow. 随着社会进步和经济发展,生育保险越来越受到各国政府的普遍重视。(3)职工生育保险是为了避免女工因承担生育责任而导致本人及家庭的生活水平的突然下降,维护社会稳定。
In General, think life insurance business development in rural areas of China are still relatively backward, and insurance companies for management of rural life insurance business vulnerability, awareness of farmers insurance, insurers in the life insurance business of managing rural markets faced a greater risk. 总体上,认为我国农村寿险业务发展仍然相对滞后,保险公司对于农村寿险业务的管理存在漏洞,农民保险意识薄弱,使保险公司在经营农村市场的寿险业务时面临了较大的风险。
However, with continuous innovation and complexity of our insurance products, as well as customers 'increasingly knowledge of insurance products and diversified needs, it turned to be more and more difficult for life insurance agents to sell through using this model. 但随着我国保险产品的不断创新与复杂化,客户对保险产品的逐渐认知以及需求的多样化,寿险代理人通过说服购买型推销方式进行产品销售,变得越来越困难。
With the combined value of evaluation of each insurance company each year after the introduction of the fair, it can be seen whether significant impact for life insurance companies from the fair value measurement method of accounting by the single factor analysis of variance. 再对公允价值引入后的每一年各个保险公司的综合价值求值,最后做一个单因素方差分析,可以看出公允价值作为会计计量方式的引入对人寿保险公司整体财务情况是否存在显著影响。
With the development of the insurance industry of china, insurance for public importance is gradually improving, it has become an integral part of social life. 随着我国保险业的不断发展,保险对于社会大众的重要程度正在逐步提高,其已经成为社会生活中不可或缺的一部分。
In 1988, the establishment of Shenzhen Ping-An Insurance Company has set a milestone for the Chinese life insurance industry Competition in official form. 1988年,深圳平安保险公司成立,为中国寿险业竞争机制的正式形成树立了里程碑。
Essentially a pension insurance for the elderly members of the community to meet the basic needs of life to the country as the main income redistribution. 养老保险本质上是为满足社会老年成员基本生活需要,以国家为主体进行的收入再分配。
The life insurance supervision clearly takes responsibility for design life insurance system. 在转型初期,寿险监管已经开始明确地承担寿险制度设计责任。
Thus in such system transformation the supervising department of life insurance industry is the bearer of its innovation and compensate for the life insurance system transformation that the middle class lead. 在这样的制度变迁事实中,寿险行业的监管部门成为寿险制度创新的承载者而填补了中间层产权结构,主导了中国寿险制度的变迁。
Thereafter on the insurance subrogation right law has made the further analysis, on the right of subrogation is suitable for life insurance health insurance and accident insurance elaborated his own views, and puts forward some suggestions. 在其后对保险代位求偿权法律问题作了进一步的剖析,对代位求偿权是否适用于人身险中的健康险和意外险阐述了自己的看法,并提出了建议。
It also will help us to refine and improve the new guidelines. Firstly, this thesis introduced the actuarial principles and accounting principles of life insurance reserve, thereby led to the comparison of the accounting method for life insurance. 本文首先介绍了寿险责任准备金的精算原理和核算原则,进而引入了对我国新旧会计准则下寿险责任准备金核算方法的比较。
It is the principal index of insurance supervision, and the important content of risk management for life insurance companies. 它是保险监管的首要指标,也是寿险公司风险管理的重要内容。
This article points out the assets and liabilities, reduce the life insurance company accounting mismatch is one of the important means for the fair value measurement life insurance liabilities. 本文指出,减轻寿险公司资产负债会计错配的一个有效手段就是采用公允价值计量寿险负债。
Understanding of life insurance trus model in other countries and regions can undoubtedly help search for a path for the life insurance trust system. 4. 了解其他国家及地区人寿保险信托业的发展模式无疑有利于寻找到一条适合我国人寿保险信托制度的道路。
Rear addition to the insurance industry for property insurance and life insurance in general, there should be war, war offered by the land transport soldiers and war risk insurance. 大后方的保险业除了办理一般的财产保险和人寿保险以外,还有应战争而开办的战时运输兵险和陆地兵险。